Contact us.
UDC is staffed by a small team some of whom work from home for all or part of the week - and we also often out at conferences and events. The best way to contact us is by email or via the form on this page. If you wish to speak with a member of our team then please request a call back. Our emails are monitored daily during normal office hours. As soon as a team member is available we will call you back.
Team office and Warehouse for arranged visits only (note that post cannot be sent to this address):
The Ugly Duckling Charity, Beyond Storage Ross, Lower Cleeve Farm, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 7TD.
Address for all correspondence or return of any goods only: (these are forwarded to our Team Office)
The Ugly Duckling Charity,
C/O 4 Tudor Street,
Ross on Wye,
Herefordshire, HR9 5PS
Registered office address: (please do not send parcels, or correspondence to this address - it is for official correspondence only).
The Ugly Duckling Charity,
124 City Road,