Partnering with the Diocese of Gloucester to equip local churches

The Diocese and UDC are excited to announce that we are in partnership together to support churches across the diocese to:

Increase mission across the diocese – engaging more people outside the church

Provide resources, enabling churches to build on connections with those furthest from faith or on the church fringes (including free copies of UDC resources for interested churches to use)

Provide youth workers, children and family workers with a suite of new resources (10:10 for youth, 10:10 for Children, Table Talk for Children, Table Talk for Families) to help increase engagement with young people and families, linking into Growing Faith

Trail blaze new resources across the diocese, before national roll out.

Find your free resources

Please do check out everything we are able to offer churches from the list below and who to contact to obtain the various resources (many of which are totally free to you). All we need you to do in return is give us some feedback on how you found the resource, plus any stories of the difference they have made.

Table Talk for Children

Joining our Table Talk Range in the Autumn of 2022 is our first resource for Children aged 5-9 (also suitable for 10-11s) around some of the issues that really matter to them.

The box will contain six themes exploring: Home Life, School Time, The World, Well-being, Friends & Technology.

Developed in partnership with the Diocese, we have 100 copies to give to churches from October 2022.

To get your free copy please contact: Jo Wetherall

Table Talk for Families

New to our smaller Table Talk Mini series, is our Families pack. We want to get families of all ages, shapes and sizes talking together. This mini pack contains 21 cards exploring 20 themes. There are three questions per card and one emoji picture card to help people express how they are feeling. Topics include: Getting to know you, Family Life together, Values and Character, Well-being, Acceptance, Spirituality, Change & Transition, Conflict - Rules & Boundaries, Technology, Where we Live, Safety, News and World Issues and Forgiveness.

Developed in partnership with the Diocese of Gloucester we have 500-600 copies to give to families from November 2022. To get your free copies please contact: Jo Wetherall


A new resource for young people age 11-17

Launched by the Ugly Duckling Co last year, and thanks to a grant of £60,000 from Benefact Trust. 10:10 seeks to explore well-being from the foundations of positive psychology and spirituality, and explores ideas like thankfulness, kindness, forgiveness, healthy relationships, coping strategies and how to look after the mind, body and soul. All of which are known to support positive well-being.

With at least 30 hours of adaptable material, 10:10 can be used in a wide variety of ways  and is designed to enable youth workers, chaplains and teachers to create meaningful and helpful spaces with young people, giving them the opportunity to discover the difference a 10:10 life can make. The resource features a series of films, expert content, group discussions, creative exercises, experiments and additional downloadable resources.

We have 15 copies to give to churches in the Diocese and are particularly keen to hear from some Youth Workers who would like to think about using it in their local school. To get your free copy and find out about additional training around using 10:10 please contact: Barrie Voyce.


This new resource will equip churches to explore how to do mission in their context (KOBLE is a Norwegian word meaning ‘connect’). A sampler of some of the themes and questions was made available to everyone at the Clergy Conference in September. KOBLE explores what we call the 7 D’s: Desire, Dwell, Distinctive, Dialogue, Delivery, Decision and Discipleship. A range of ideas, that when connected together, will help churches to connect with people furthest away from faith.

We have a developed a study guide for home groups, also ideal for staff teams, PCCs and the whole church to explore how we can connect with our communities.

In addition to, or instead of, the home group guide we can also come and deliver KOBLE for your church or a group of churches.

To run KOBLE in your church or to find out about additional training for your church, please contact: Sharon Lanfear at UDC.

Happiness Lab pop-up

The Happiness Pop Up Lab will be a mini exhibition that could be installed in your church or set up at a fete or other community event. It provides a space where people could come and explore the theme of happiness and discover spiritual ideas that can support their well-being. This is ideal for connecting with people who do not normally attend church, or may not come to a course. We are currently developing a simple version that we would like to trial and we are looking for churches that would be willing to work with us to use the display in their community next summer.   

To trial the Happiness Pop Up Lab for free please contact: Sharon Lanfear at UDC

The Happiness Lab, Resolve & Puzzling Questions courses

The Happiness Lab, Resolve and Puzzling Questions are great course to run in your communities and will make a great event to run following Christmas or as a run up to Easter. We are looking for churches who would like to run one of these courses to get in touch and we will supply the course material for free.

To receive your free resources in return for running one of these courses please contact: Sharon Lanfear at UDC

Conversation Changes Lives event

This is a simple conversational workshop that we deliver to churches to help think through the power of conversation. Led by our UDC team we will explore why conversation matters, the difference it can make to our lives and enjoy some great conversations whilst we do.

To hold a workshop in your church one morning, afternoon or evening please get in touch with Sharon at UDC.



In addition to all the above resources available for free, we are also able to offer a 10% discount off all our resources to every church in the Diocese of Gloucester until the end of March 2023.

To receive your 10% discount on all UDC resources, just enter ‘GlosDio10’ at checkout on our shop.