The Happiness Lab


For many people the topic of forgiveness is not on their list of happiness-increasing activities. Whether it’s forgiving someone who hurt you or forgiving yourself, it’s fair to say it is not easy to do. Yet, when we hold onto the disappointment, anger or bitterness, we block love and total fulfilment from our lives. When we chose to forgive, we become strong and empowered.

Offering forgiveness enables us to break free from the cycle of bitterness and revenge; it improves our health; opens up the possibility of restored relationships; and it works for the good of society. What offering forgiveness also does is to create a new ending to the story. Stories can have one of three endings; revenge, tragedy or forgiveness. Forgiveness is the only option that can lead to freedom.

Happiness experiments to try

Write a letter of forgiveness
Take time to write a letter to the person who wronged you. Express your pain and the consequences of their actions. Then, express your forgiveness. There is no need to send the letter.