A Little Less Shouting

November 4th every year is designated as ‘Let’s Stop Shouting Day’ and seeks to promote the benefits of constructive communication.

We live in a fast-paced world, filled with noise and misinformation where effective dialogue often gets lost. Our society, increasingly polarised and aggressive, prioritises shouting over listening and understanding. This approach is rarely helpful and creates barriers, fuels anger, and dehumanises others, resulting in division and difference. Amid this noise there are also people who feel lonely, isolated or overwhelmed by the challenges of life. Yet there is another way.

The Bible speaks frequently about the power of the ‘tongue’ and how we can use our words to stir up anger, hate and strife or use our words bring to hope, purpose and meaning in life.

Great conversations based on respect and compassion can really change lives, yet it is easy to forget the simple power of conversation when it works well and the transformation this can bring.

Why Conversation Matters:

  • Brings Joy: It is good to talk and conversations often lead to moments of joy and laughter.

  • Builds Relationships: Calm, caring and respectful conversations foster understanding and helps to strengthen relationships, providing a platform for honesty and the deepening of our conversations.

  • Stories are Shared: As we talk with others, the things we believe, trust and have hope in can be shared — providing space for the discovery of a life of meaning and purpose.

  • Solves Problems: When we listen attentively and speak thoughtfully, we find common ground and can share solutions to many of life’s challenges.

  • Reduces Stress: Shouting raises stress levels for everyone involved so a calm conversation creates a more peaceful environment and a moment to slow down. This helps us to think and enact positive change.

  • Supports our well-being: Conversation can help us to offer and find support. They can also help to tackle loneliness and isolation.

  • Breaks the cycle of anger: Respectful conversations provide a safe space to be heard and understood, which can shift our focus from aggression to empathy and healing.

  • Values others: Conversations help us to see people as fellow human beings who are wonderfully made.  

Tips for Better Conversations:

  • Have Great Questions: Have some great questions to hand (all you need for a great conversation is a great question), our Table Talk range can help with that.

  • Give Time: Find the space and time to give conversations the time to flourish.

  • Practice Active Listening: Give your full attention to those around you and practice listening and acknowledge other thoughts and feelings.

  • Empathy: Try to understand the other person's perspective.

  • Reflect: On your own conversational style are there topics that you find difficult, or get you angry. Are there topics you enjoy and have in common with people you know.

  • Create a conversational space / event: Host an event in your local café, pub, church, school, community space to get together to discuss a topic (you could invite a speaker and use Table Talk Question cards to help).

By embracing the power of conversation, we create space for people to find life in all its fullness and model the example of Jesus who always managed to find time for life changing conversations.

Explore our Table Talk range — a great resource that can enable you to create space for great conversations wherever you are.


Life in all its fullness — Kindness


The art of spiritual conversations